Showing posts with label Kashmiri Pandits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kashmiri Pandits. Show all posts

Monday 23 January 2023

Hinduism in Kashmir and its origin

Hinduism has a long history in the region of Kashmir, with the earliest known reference to the area as a sacred place in Hindu texts dating back to the Mahabharata and the Rajatarangini, a 12th century chronicle of the kings of Kashmir. The ancient Hindu texts such as the Nilmat Purana and the Rajatarangini refer to the Valley of Kashmir as "Paradise", "Kashmira" and "Kashyap-Mir" after the sage Kashyap who is believed to have drained a lake to create the present-day valley. The ancient Hindu texts also mention the presence of many sacred temples and shrines in the region, and the area is still considered to be a major pilgrimage site for Hindus today.

The origins of Hinduism in the region are not entirely clear, but it is likely that it was brought to the area by traders, travelers, and scholars who came from the Indian subcontinent. The area was also under the rule of Hindu kings for much of its history, which likely helped to establish and spread the religion throughout the region.

However, in recent times due to the rise of militancy in the Valley of Kashmir, many Hindu Pandits have migrated from the region and the present Hindu population is very minimal in the valley.

Martand Sun Temple Kashmir History

The Martand Temple, also known as the Martand Sun Temple, is a Hindu temple located in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is believed to have been built during the 8th century AD, during the reign of the Karkota dynasty.

The temple is dedicated to the god Surya and is known for its architectural and sculptural beauty. The temple is built on a large platform and has a rectangular layout with a vestibule, a mandapa, and a garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum).

The temple is adorned with a number of sculptures of gods and goddesses, as well as figures of dancers and musicians. The temple also features a large number of columns and pilasters that are intricately carved with images of gods, goddesses, and other figures

The temple was damaged and destroyed by the Muslim ruler Sikandar Butshikan in the 14th century. Today, the remains of the temple are protected as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Sunday 22 January 2023

What were the main factors that led to mass exodus of kashmiri pandits exodus in 1990 from their ancestral land kashmir

There were numerous factors which led to exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir in January 1990. Some of the main factors are given below.

Political instability: The rise of separatist movements in the region, along with a growing sense of alienation among the Muslim population, led to an increase in violence and insecurity for the minority Hindu community.

Religious extremism: The emergence of extremist Islamic groups, such as the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), led to a rise in targeted attacks against the Hindu community.

Fear for safety: The Pandits faced death threats and targeted attacks, leading to a sense of insecurity and fear for their safety.

Economic factors: The  Kashmiri Pandits were also facing economic hardship, which made it difficult for them to continue living in the region.

Government response: The Indian government's handling of the situation was criticized for being inadequate and slow, further exacerbating the sense of insecurity among the Pandits.

Overall, the combination of political instability, religious extremism, fear for safety, economic factors, and government response led to the mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from their ancestral land in 1990.

How Yoga can be beneficial for various heart ailments

Yoga can be beneficial for various heart ailments in several ways. 1. Stress Reduction: Yoga promotes relaxation and reduces stress, which ...